Free Documentary Screening of ‘Melting Greenland’
- 15, 23, 29 June, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
- 7, 13 July, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Admission: Free (registration required)
Venue: 71 Bukit Batok Crescent #05-12
Organiser: O’right SG
Melting Greenland is a documentary that reveals how climate change has affected Greenland’s society, economy, and livelihood.
After the one-hour documentary, get to know about the raw materials such as caffeine husks, tea leaves, star anise, and goji can be used in other ways. Learn about greenhouse gas protocol categories, zero carbon product life cycles, and how recyclables can be given a second life.
You will also discuss sustainable development goals (SDGs) and your thoughts on the Melting Greenland documentary.
This event is suitable for participants with mobility issues.